Main Menu
Head | [Brutal Gladiator's Kodohide Helm] |
Neck | [Guardian's Pendant of Salvation] |
Shoulders | [Brutal Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders] |
Shirt | [Dark Silk Shirt] |
Chest | [Brutal Gladiator's Kodohide Tunic] |
Waist | [Guardian's Kodohide Belt] |
Legs | [Breeches of Natural Splendor] |
Feet | [Guardian's Kodohide Boots] |
Wrists | [Guardian's Kodohide Bracers] |
Hands | [Brutal Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves] |
Finger | [Guardian's Band of Salvation] |
Finger | [Ring of Harmonic Beauty] |
Trinket | [Memento of Tyrande] |
Trinket | [Medallion of the Alliance] |
Back | [Kharmaa's Shroud of Hope] |
Main Hand | [Hammer of Sanctification] |
Off Hand | [Brutal Gladiator's Reprieve] |
Ranged | [Idol of the Emerald Queen] |
Tabard | [Purple Trophy Tabard of the Illidari] |
Strength | 88 | Agility | 90 |
Stamina | 759 | Intellect | 565 |
Spirit | 292 | Armor | 4177 |
Player vs Player Information |
Total Kills: | 1238 |
Honor Points: | 37009 |
Arena Points: | 0 |
2v2 Team: | NONE |
3v3 Team: | NONE |
3v3 Solo: | NONE |