Blackmor   <Smoke>
Head [Battleworn Tuskguard]
Shoulders [Pauldrons of Stone Resolve]
Shirt NONE
Chest [Chestguard of the Warlord]
Waist [Girdle of the Protector]
Legs [Unwavering Legguards]
Feet [Red Havoc Boots]
Wrists [Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx]
Hands [Bonefist Gauntlets]
Finger NONE
Finger NONE
Trinket NONE
Trinket NONE
Main Hand [Blazefury]
Off Hand [Bulwark of the Amani Empire]
Ranged NONE
Tabard NONE
Strength159 Agility115
Stamina730 Intellect33
Spirit56 Armor16457
Player vs Player Information
Total Kills: 0
Honor Points: 0
Arena Points: 0
2v2 Team: NONE
3v3 Team: NONE
3v3 Solo: NONE