Zippyshared   <Tsunami>
Head [Cowl of the Avatar]
Shoulders [Mantle of the Avatar]
Shirt NONE
Chest [Vestments of the Avatar]
Waist [Belt of the Long Road]
Legs [Breeches of the Avatar]
Feet [Soul-Strider Boots]
Wrists [Wraps of Purification]
Hands [Gloves of the Avatar]
Finger NONE
Finger NONE
Trinket NONE
Trinket NONE
Main Hand [Vengeful Gladiator's Salvation]
Off Hand NONE
Ranged NONE
Tabard NONE
Strength39 Agility45
Stamina437 Intellect432
Spirit438 Armor1360
Player vs Player Information
Total Kills: 0
Honor Points: 0
Arena Points: 0
2v2 Team: NONE
3v3 Team: NONE
3v3 Solo: NONE