Main Menu
Head | [Destroyer Greathelm] |
Neck | [Vindicator's Pendant of Subjugation] |
Shoulders | [Destroyer Shoulderguards] |
Shirt | NONE |
Chest | [Destroyer Chestguard] |
Waist | [Red Belt of Battle] |
Legs | [Destroyer Legguards] |
Feet | [Boots of Courage Unending] |
Wrists | [Wristguards of Determination] |
Hands | [Destroyer Handguards] |
Finger | [Vindicator's Band of Subjugation] |
Finger | [Vindicator's Band of Salvation] |
Trinket | [Scarab Brooch] |
Trinket | [The Lightning Capacitor] |
Back | [Cloak of Ancient Rituals] |
Main Hand | [Vengeful Gladiator's Decapitator] |
Off Hand | NONE |
Ranged | [Crossbow of Relentless Strikes] |
Tabard | NONE |
Strength | 298 | Agility | 229 |
Stamina | 752 | Intellect | 132 |
Spirit | 60 | Armor | 10153 |
Player vs Player Information |
Total Kills: | 0 |
Honor Points: | 0 |
Arena Points: | 0 |
2v2 Team: | NONE |
3v3 Team: | NONE |
3v3 Solo: | Solo Queue |