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Server Changes:
- Fixed an issue with bonus threat generation being too low for Thunder Clap and Holy Shield. Threat generation bonus has been increased for these two spells.
- Fixed an issue where Paladin's Illumination talent did not refund 60% mana of the casted spell.
- You can no longer use or carry battleground flags while under the effect of Rocket Boots Engaged.
- Shadow Word: Death - backlash damage will no longer benefit from any damage bonus, such as Shadow Form.
- Shadow Word: Death - backlash damage is no longer affected by the caster's shadow resistance (no damage reduction). However, Power Word: Shield can absorb the backlash, as well as spell damage reduction effects such as Spell warding.
- Shadow Word: Death - backlash damage is no longer affected by resilience (no damage reduction, TBC patch 2.3.0).
- Shadow Word: Death - backlash will damage the caster equal to the damage done, even if Shadow Word: Death is absorbed by the enemy target.
Server Changes:
- Fixed an issue where Blessing of Freedom was immune to disoriented effects (e.g Dragon's Breath).
- Sanctified Judgement talent now gives 80% mana back from Judgement of Justice.
- Shadow Word: Death now applies Shadow Weaving to the enemy target.
- Fixed an issue where the range of AoE spells (e.g Psychic Scream) were too short.
- Drain Life and Siphon Life now benefits from Fel Armor's healing generation, and are affected by healing reduction effects.
- AoE spells are now LoS checked, which means you can no longer hit other players through walls.
- Pets can now be affected by movement impairing effects.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Server Changes:
- Hunter and Warlock pets now saves their auras when player is mounted. Additionally, they are removed properly when entering BG/Arena, resetting talents, when the pet/owner dies, when put in stables (Hunter), and when dismissed (Warlock).
- Hunter and Warlock pets now properly move at the speed of their owners when they are on mounts.
- Improved Mend Pet once again properly removes diseases, curses and magic debuffs on chance tick.
- Flare now has its travel time back, and is no longer instant.
- Improved Power Word: Shield now absorbs the correct amount.
- Silent Resolve now correctly affects shadow spells.
- Fixed an issue where Vindication was not being applied to a paladin's enemies.
- Seal of Command now correctly benefits from Sanctity Aura.
- Seal of Blood now correctly benefits from Sanctity Aura.
- Seal of Blood now does correct backlash damage (as well as Judgment of Blood).
- Fixed issue where Seal of Blood was procing more than once per hit.
- Fixed issue where Improved Righteous Fury gave a double amount of damage reduction.
Server Changes:
- Dual Talent Specialization feature has been released. This feature allows players to switch between a different talent build, along with different action bars for each spec. Players can enable this feature at their mall trainer. We had to conduct a rewrite of most of the system due to errors back during its initial testing phase in July. The system now adapts to players' talents, therefore a server-side talent reset was not needed this time. Additionally we programmed in more quality-of-life changes. This feature is free to all players.
- Rapid Killing now properly is consumed upon an auto attack. (ignore the hover-over tooltip. It's pulling WotLK data)
- Liron no longer offers a class trainer option in the main menu, instead under "Tools" there is now an option to teleport to your mall trainer for dual spec purposes.
- The %-health system has been entirely removed.
- Treants now properly are scripted to engage combat.
- Fixed an issue with auto attacks going through some walls/small pillars.
- Do Not Disturb (DND) now functions like in 3.x+ clients by entirely blocking the message being sent (therefore never received) by the player in DND mode. This is to offer some resources to players to avoid toxicity/harassment.